
Inbound declarations clearly arranged in one place, and approved and paid out via a workflow.

Try for 30 days!

No lost receipts!

For organisations, approving and paying out declarations is a time-consuming job, not to mention all the receipts that get lost. At FileLinx we have solved this problem with the Business Solution Declaration.

The user can easily (for example with a smartphone) take a picture of the receipt and then submit the declaration in FileLinx and indicate how it should be paid out.

Via a workflow, the declaration is approved and paid out after approval.

The employee is automatically kept informed by the system. Above all, your declarations can be retrieved later at the touch of a button. With this automated process a declaration is directly linked to customers or projects. This way, you also immediately monitor your budget.


  • Enter declarations via desktop, smartphone or tablet
  • User can upload a photo of a declaration
  • Determine payment method
  • Workflow with approval according to your needs
  • Feedback on approval and payment to the employee
  • Linking to projects and budgets
  • Keeping track of tasks
  • Email notifications
  • Reports (user-defined)
  • Alerts (user-defined)
  • Dashboard function (user-defined)

This business solution contains predefined functionalities. Do you need more flexibility? All our business solutions can be customised to your needs.

Business Solution Declarations is created in the low-code FileLinx platform. Modifications and new processes can be added in no time.

Start small and grow with it.

You can start structuring your relationships and data in CRM, but you can also add ready-made Business Solutions.
Think of fileserver, automatic invoice processing, purchase to pay, project management, customer portals etc.

We are happy to help you make the right choice.

Our customers

AkzoNobel ZW
Marflex ZW
Gemeente Almelo ZW
Ahoy ZW
Omoda ZW
Aanvraag testaccount CRM
Leuk dat u ons CRM wilt gaan uitproberen. Na het invullen van onderstaand formulier ontvangt u inlogcodes voor uw eigen testomgeving. Deze codes zijn 30 dagen geldig.


Werkdagen 9.00 – 17.00
Tel: +31 (0)88-850 3703

Gebruik het Klantportaal voor vragen en verzoeken. Geen inlogcodes? Geef je contactpersonen door via Dan sturen wij de gegevens aan je door.


Mon – Fri 9.00 – 17.00
Phone: +31 (0)88-850 3703
Customer portal:

You can submit service requests by using our customer portal. No access? You can reach us at +31 88 850 3700. 


27 MAART 10:00 – 10:45 UUR:

Bespaar tijd en geld met de Budgetpas van FileLinx. Schrijf je nu in voor het webinar op 27 maart.

De Budgetpas is een innovatieve, gebruiksvriendelijke betaaloplossing waarmee je realtime zicht hebt op alle uitgaven binnen je organisatie. En ontdek hoe je slimmer uitgaven beheert met de Budgetpas.

De Budgetpas is ideaal voor zorginstellingen, transportbedrijven, retail, hospitality, overheid en technologiebedrijven. Kortom, voor elke organisatie waar veel bedrijfsuitgaven worden gedaan en waar de administratieve last van dit proces een probleem is.

Budgetpas rondje