Document Management System
Regain control of all documents and emails.
A mistake is easily made!
Do all employees use one storage system to store documents? Or are documents on the network drive, in email, Sharepoint, Teams and/or other (online) storage services?
This way, one document is stored in different places, without structure. Which version of the document or email is now the correct one? May the information in the document or e-mail be shared or retained?
As an organization, how do you stay in control of your own documents and emails? Consider version control, security of privacy-sensitive information or intellectual property. The fear of image damage and claims is a real has become a threat to many organizations since the current AVG legislation. A well-functioning document management system is the solution!
- Efficiency and productivity
- Secure data storage
- Collaboration and sharing of information
- Search functionality
- Compliance and regulation
- Long-term storage and digital archive
- Reduction of paper use

Search and find costs organizations a lot of money
Document management is not unique, what makes FileLinx DMS software unique is that we focus on the business processes surrounding document management. How does a document reach the organization or how do you create your own documents in the corporate identity? What steps should a document go through. Does the document need to be sent fiat or processed in another application? These processes can be modeled in our software.
When processes are clear, documents are easy to find and the latest version is available to every user.
Discover a streamlined approach to document management
Without document management

With document management

FileLinx links with more than 70 vendors
Over 20 years of experience
Through our years of experience with companies, hospitals, healthcare facilities, housing associations and governments, we have developed a document management system that fits the needs. It ensures continued control of document flows within the organization.
We deliver fast, reliable results and minimize project risk. After an introductory session to understand the needs, we demonstrate through a proof of concept (POC) how to model the process in our software.
FileLinx is the solution for purchase invoices order confirmations contracts packing slips checklists quotations orders sales invoices work orders manuals quality documents recipes reports
Integrate with
You can link FileLinx’s Document Management System to an ERP application. The link with the ERP system ensures that you do not have duplication of effort and users remain satisfied. We link with the following systems. The links page lists all linking partners.

Schedule a no-obligation appointment to discover how we can help your organization.
Start small and grow with it.
DMS FileServer is made in te low-code FileLinx platform. Adjustments and introducing new processes can be added in no time.
Make your processes smarter with FileLinx Invoice+
To further optimize your processes, link FileLinx DMS+ to our solution Invoice+. This digital tool streamlines reading, recognizing, indexing, checking, approving, authorize, archive and process invoices in the financial system.
View the entire invoice process
Alle factuurgegevens, maar ook de gegevens over de afhandeling, blijven beschikbaar voor rapportage en analyse. All billing information, as well as the handling information, will remain available for reporting and analysis. An automatic invoice matching module completes your process!
FileLinx ensures that we save time with automatic matching.

- Omoda -
“If you manually process purchase invoices, you are typing a lot of data. Thanks to DigiData, we no longer have to do this ourselves. That saves us a lot of time.”

FileLinx offers a document management system that stores and searches data from all business applications, documents and email.

“FileLinx is ideally suited to retain the functionality of (customized) applications while at the same time having standard software that can be easily adapted because the software can be modelled.”

Complicated processes made easy
No matter how ambitious your wishes in the area of Procurement, Invoicing or CRM may be, our super-smart experts will gladly take up the challenge for you! The result: a solution that streamlines a complicated process and is easy to use.