Kleurrijk Wonen


Kleurrijk Wonen is a housing corporation that rents out more than 15,000 homes, garages, parking spaces and business premises. They are active in the Rivierenland and Alblasserwaard-Vijfheerenlanden region and rent out the houses in 6 municipalities.



The financial administration of Kleurrijk Wonen uses DigiData from FileLinx to process purchase invoices, so that they are automatically scanned and processed.

Why FileLinx

‘We use ERP software from Itris. Itris is a partner of FileLinx. This is why we came to FileLinx for the purchase invoices and to digitalise that process”, says Richard de Rover, financial administration team leader.

“What was very important to us was that the bank account number on the invoice is also recognised and stated, so that it can no longer be changed afterwards. That is one of the things that FileLinx offers us with DigiData. It allows us to eliminate all manual checks.”

The solution

The software has been customised for us for the recognition of invoices . “We were able to indicate exactly which data could be considered reliable and which data worked well. We can rely blindly on the software. We have also been able to indicate whether we want to handle certain data during the downtime,” Richard continues.

"Thanks to DigiData, we no longer need to enter data and the invoices are automatically read".

“If you process purchase invoices manually, you have to enter a lot of data. Thanks to DigiData, we no longer have to do that ourselves. It’s just read automatically from the PDF or XML. That saves us a lot of time.”

Because bank account details and other data on the invoice are automatically transferred, it is no longer possible to make manual typing errors. For example, they already have an automatic check on the bank account numbers.

FileLinx Partner

For Kleurrijk Wonen, Itris is the first point of contact in case of errors or bugs. Thanks to a FileLinx consultant, they received a nice report on the number of purchase invoices on the turnaround time and gained more insight into the process. A FileLinx consultant arranged this, without Itris being involved.


Werkdagen 9.00 – 17.00
Tel: +31 (0)88-850 3703
Klantportaal: https://klant.FileLinx365.com

Gebruik het Klantportaal voor vragen en verzoeken. Geen inlogcodes? Geef je contactpersonen door via https://www.filelinx.com/klantportaal. Dan sturen wij de gegevens aan je door.


Mon – Fri 9.00 – 17.00
Phone: +31 (0)88-850 3703
Customer portal: https://klant.FileLinx365.com

You can submit service requests by using our customer portal. No access? You can reach us at +31 88 850 3700. 


27 MAART 10:00 – 10:45 UUR:

Bespaar tijd en geld met de Budgetpas van FileLinx. Schrijf je nu in voor het webinar op 27 maart.

De Budgetpas is een innovatieve, gebruiksvriendelijke betaaloplossing waarmee je realtime zicht hebt op alle uitgaven binnen je organisatie. En ontdek hoe je slimmer uitgaven beheert met de Budgetpas.

De Budgetpas is ideaal voor zorginstellingen, transportbedrijven, retail, hospitality, overheid en technologiebedrijven. Kortom, voor elke organisatie waar veel bedrijfsuitgaven worden gedaan en waar de administratieve last van dit proces een probleem is.

Budgetpas rondje