BK Ingenieurs


BK Ingenieurs is a nationwide working and independent engineering firm. We work closely with you to realise concrete plans. From the initial planning through to the civil-engineering of (re)-development locations.

We adopt a pro-active attitude, are open and transparent and are always looking for the most optimal solution. We combine innovations, new techniques and sustainable solutions with a no-nonsense mentality for the timely realisation of your ambition.

The problem

The inspection of batches of soil takes place via a strict protocol for each step: from the taking of soil samples, through the analyses by the lab to the quality determination for marketing. A few years ago, however, the question became louder and louder: can’t this be done faster and more efficiently?

Our solution

That’s possible, as it turns out. Thanks to the online platform FileLinx, and the diligent work of system administrator Chris van de Ven, the process has now been digitised from A to Z. Consultant Kris Mathijssen is enjoying all the benefits. Batch audits lend themselves well to digitisation, because they are clear and step-by-step, Chris says. “Attempts had already been made to digitise procedures in the past, but this often involved a part of the process, which in turn got bogged down. Now batch inspections are carried out uniformly from start to finish via FileLinx.

Useful notifications

Before the introduction of FileLinx, Word files served as the basis for the reports; the assignments for the field workers were printed on paper in an old-fashioned way. Differences in version could lead to errors and confusion. Van de Ven: “Field workers now enter the data on location on an iPad. This allows a consultant to immediately get to work, for example, to make a lab assignment”. “The system also works with notifications,” Kris adds. You will receive a message when the next step can be entered. . This saves you time, because you often receive quite a lot of notifications simultaneously and sometimes one notification stays a bit longer than necessary. Now you have more overview.”

No higher math
Mathijssen thinks that the ‘teething troubles and excesses’ have now been removed from the system and that the changes in the future will mainly have to do with changing laws and regulations. . “In the beginning it’s a bit of a switch, of course, but after a short explanation you’ll get the hang of it. Good communication and interpretation are crucial for this, Van de Ven knows. “You have to be able to translate the possibilities of a digital tool properly to the end user. To do this, you obviously need to know the processes well, but above all you need to be able to contact the consultants on a regular basis. They, in turn, took signals from the field”.

According to Mathijssen, the uniform reports result in noticeably fewer errors and therefore fewer questions about, or rejections of, batches. In the future, BK will make the reports available to the client via a portal, so that the client can also download them himself.


Werkdagen 9.00 – 17.00
Tel: +31 (0)88-850 3703
Klantportaal: https://klant.FileLinx365.com

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Mon – Fri 9.00 – 17.00
Phone: +31 (0)88-850 3703
Customer portal: https://klant.FileLinx365.com

You can submit service requests by using our customer portal. No access? You can reach us at +31 88 850 3700.