Order confirmations

Automatically process order confirmations and optimize the procurement process as an add-on to your ERP system.

Why Order Confirmations?

If you are responsible for managing orders within your company, you are undoubtedly familiar with receiving order confirmations that you then have to compare with purchase orders. This process can be time-consuming because you have to manually identify discrepancies, such as price differences, unexpected extra charges, delivery dates and quantities. In this situation, discovering a discrepancy on accounts payable is just the beginning; correcting it in your ERP system can be a complex and time-consuming task. With a good automated system, you quickly reap the benefits. The procurement process becomes more efficient and effective.

As a specialist inTouchless Invoice Processing andProcurement we are at the forefront of automation to seamlessly streamline your procurement process by automating order confirmations.

The benefits of Order Confirmations

  • Discover discrepancies between order confirmations and purchase orders before the invoice arrives.
  • Improved collaboration between purchasing department and accounts payable.
  • Take timely action on an anomaly and monitor it in the system.
  • Complete purchasing file with invoices, packing slips and communications.
  • Real-time insight into the process.
  • Cost savings of up to 1FTE.
Orderbevestigingen FileLinx

How does the Order Confirmations module work?

Order confirmations are automatically retrieved by our software from the dedicated mailbox or scanner. Even if there is no attachment, the information in the email is converted into a PDF.

FileLinx seamlessly integrates with your ERP system and stores order confirmations with the corresponding purchase order. Also, FileLinx automatically retrieves master data from the ERP system and writes any discrepancies back to the ERP system.

With our matching module, FileLinx checks item numbers, quantities, prices and delivery dates at line level, giving you immediate insight into any discrepancies. This automatic process avoids manual work.

Are there any abnormalities? Then these are automatically detected and FileLinx initiates workflows and tasks, notifying the appropriate department or person for prompt correction. Even with free requests, we add order confirmations to the purchase file, keeping everything organized and accessible for a complete purchase file.

Once the invoice arrives, the number of touchless invoices processed will increase and the work on accounts payable will decrease. After all, any discrepancies are already well accounted for when the order confirmation arrives.

Why FileLinx

We are proven experts in reducing administrative burdens and optimizing business processes. Our automated solutions have already saved customers a lot of work. Savings with Order Confirmations can be as much as 1 FTE per year. We are happy to show you how this module works and what it can bring to your organization during a demo.

Integrate with

FileLinx is linkable to many ERP applications. The link with the ERP system ensures that you do not have duplication of effort and users remain satisfied. We link with the following systems. The links page lists all linking partners.

Office 365 koppeling

Build on your process

The advantage of the Order Confirmation module is that you actually get a standard solution, which you can adapt in no time to the processes that make your organization unique. Because our application has a modular structure, you can start small and optimise your process further in stages.


Link the Order Confirmation module to Purchasing+ and automate the purchasing process from requisition to payment. This way, you will always have an overview of the receipts, orders and expenditure.


Complicated processes made easy

No matter how ambitious your wishes in the area of Procurement, Invoicing or CRM may be, our super-smart experts will gladly take up the challenge for you! The result: a solution that streamlines a complicated process and is easy to use.


Werkdagen 9.00 – 17.00
Tel: +31 (0)88-850 3703
Klantportaal: https://klant.FileLinx365.com

Gebruik het Klantportaal voor vragen en verzoeken. Geen inlogcodes? Geef je contactpersonen door via https://www.filelinx.com/klantportaal. Dan sturen wij de gegevens aan je door.


Mon – Fri 9.00 – 17.00
Phone: +31 (0)88-850 3703
Customer portal: https://klant.FileLinx365.com

You can submit service requests by using our customer portal. No access? You can reach us at +31 88 850 3700. 


27 MAART 10:00 – 10:45 UUR:

Bespaar tijd en geld met de Budgetpas van FileLinx. Schrijf je nu in voor het webinar op 27 maart.

De Budgetpas is een innovatieve, gebruiksvriendelijke betaaloplossing waarmee je realtime zicht hebt op alle uitgaven binnen je organisatie. En ontdek hoe je slimmer uitgaven beheert met de Budgetpas.

De Budgetpas is ideaal voor zorginstellingen, transportbedrijven, retail, hospitality, overheid en technologiebedrijven. Kortom, voor elke organisatie waar veel bedrijfsuitgaven worden gedaan en waar de administratieve last van dit proces een probleem is.

Budgetpas rondje